When it comes to an Everyday carry set you need to find the correct balance between weight and performance. All SPARROWS Tools and Lock Pick sets within the EDC category have been developed to be easily incorporated into your carry system in a way that is not intrusive. From a Hall Pass in your wallet to the Ranger set on your tactical vest SPARROWS manufactures a wide range of tools to be on hand when emergencies arise.
Hall Pass Wallet Door Bypass Sparrows The Hall Pass
Mace Picks and TensionSparrows Mace Picks
Credit Card Sized Lock Pick KitChaos Card Lock Pick
Handcuff Shims and PicksHandcuff Shims
folding lock pick setThe ESCORT
Sparrows Flex Pass .012 Thick
Hold out keys bump blanks
Lock Noob Sparrow Chaos Card: Wary Edition
Lock Shims Wallet Card
Sparrows S.E.R.E Card WalletSparrows EDC S.E.R.E Card Wallet
Stainless steel SERE Tag
Escort Folder with Clear lockEscort Folder with Clear lock

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