Find professional-grade lockpick tools for military and first responders at Sparrows Lock Picks. Our military lock pick kits focus on specialized features such as molle vest compatibility, lightweight design, and covert storage options. Explore the EOD full set for fast raking, wafer lock picks, and Jim tools to tackle a variety of locks efficiently.

From the ranger and sentry sets with special cases to covert size picks for hidden deployment, our collection caters to the unique needs of military and emergency personnel. Choose Sparrows Lock Picks for reliable, high-quality tools designed to support your operational and training requirements.

Lock Picks with CaseEOD Lock Pick Set
Sparrows Long Shot Lock Pick Tool
From $14.95
Sparrows S.E.R.E Card WalletSparrows EDC S.E.R.E Card Wallet
Sparrows Motel Keys
Locks from The Vorax LOADEDLock Pick Set The Vorax LOADED
Escort Folder with Clear lockEscort Folder with Clear lock

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