After learning how to pick locks open many move on to taking them apart. For the working professional, hobbyist or a project around the house, having the correct tools to disassemble and reassemble a lock allows one to explore how a lock works and modify it as needed.
Checkers and Chess Security Pins
Double Duty Resin Plug Follower
Mini Pinning Mats SetMini Pinning Mats Set
Sparrows Plug Followers
Sparrows Gut Wrench
Sparrows Pinning Mat 2.0Sparrows Pinning Mat 2.0
Cut away lock Spool pinsCut away lock Spool pins
Sparrows Reload Pins KitReload Training Kit
From $16.00
Practice lock Core TrainerPractice Lock: Core Trainer
High Security Munition Pins
Master Key Pinning Set
From $6.99
Pinning Tweezers 120mm and 99mm
From $11.00
Sparrows Rodent Tool for Picking Locks
Sparrows Bag of 15 Lock Springs
Sparrows Sphere and Cylinder LockSparrows Sphere and Cylinder Lock
From $29.00

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