The VORAX Lock Pick Set and Progressive Locks
Pronunciation (Classical): /'wo.ra:ks/
Definition: Voracious, Insatiable, Devouring
In A Sentence: Move away from the door I got's me a VORAX!
This set offers a wide variety of tools in one serious DARK case.
The Vorax LOADED is the combination of the Original Wizwazzle picks, the SSDev Hooks and a laser engraved SANDMAN and four Progressive training lock to help you learn how to pick locks. Story below.
Vorax Pick set
The Vorax is a 15-piece lock pick set that is well suited to raking, single pin picking and high security deep access picking. Flat bars have been added to the traditional tension bars and a tubular tension bar allows for tubular locks to be single pin picked. Rounding out the set is the addition of 4 comb picks to quickly open lower security locks like Master 140, 150 and more... Our SANDMAN lock pick sports a laser engraved handle. Wrap it all up in a MULTICAM Black Case with a 3D SPARROWS patch and you have a set that will eat through anything. To finish it all off and to ensure you can learn how to pick locks quickly this set included four progressive locks that are set from easy to standard.
Four Progressive Locks

If you are looking to learn how to lock pick one of the methods to use is working with progressive locks. By Changing the number of pins that are inside a lock you can increase or decrease the difficulty to picking that lock. A two pin lock is much easier to pick than a five pin lock. A progressive lock set help you learn by providing locks that get progressively harder. This set includes a 2pin, 3pin, 4pin and 5 pin standard lock with Schlage Key way. Each lock is also laser engraved so that you can easily keep track of what pin configuration is inside. So you might ask why no 1 pin lock .... trust us you don't need it.
Start at 2 pin. These locks are also designed to work with our reload pin kit so you can make them any configuration your wish - Even a 6 pin lock with security pins. The large size of the locks also lets you pick in hand or in a vise. What is important to notice is all the rotating components are covered by the brass shell so when you do use a vise everything will still rotate. This set of practice locks make a great addition and training tool for any of our lock pick sets.
The Vorax set includes:
All lock picks are manufactured by SPARROWS out of American Made 301 Cold Max Steel with average tension strength of 280,000 PSI. All pick handles are US Plastisol dipped in Canada.
The Progressive locks are 2,3,4,5 pin locks in a brass shell

Finding Sandman
At a trade show, we were talking with a few guys who used to attend Soldier of Fortune Conventions at the Sahara in Las Vegas. The story went that, in the 80's, a guy would follow these conventions and sell lock picks out of a small booth. These sets were mostly HPC but he also had some home brew picks made by a different guy. Of the handmade picks, what these guys really liked was one called the 'Sandman'. So, out of interest we sent off a few emails to see what we could dig up. It took a while but we slowly got a few details and then learned that the guy making the picks was a DJ in the 80's who used the handle of "DrDave". Well, we found DrDave, turns out he still lives in Vegas and has been picking since the 60's. Best part - he sent us a Sandman. What was really nice is that it is a different pick than anything else in the lineup. A few careful measurements, a little bit of Laser Art and here you have it. A truly new pick. The Sandman is a dual-sided rake and a single-pin pick for attacking radicle bitting - direct from Vegas.