Sparrows Lock Picks offers an exceptional range of beginner lock pick kits designed with quality and precision.  Crafted from professional-grade steel, these sets include tension wrenches and essential picks to get you started on your lockpicking adventure. Choose the perfect set to match your needs, whether you prefer a smaller, portable set or a larger, more comprehensive collection. 

For a balanced approach, the Tuxedo set combines different types of picks for a variety of locks, making it ideal for beginners. Practice locks included with some sets help you hone your skills. Explore our channel and search for names like Bosnian Bill, Lock Picking Lawyer, and Lock Noob on YouTube for tutorials and tips from experienced pickers. With Sparrows Lock Picks, you're set for success in your lockpicking journey!

Lock Picks, Tension Wrenches, and carrying caseTuxedo set lock picking set
From $32.00
Night School Tuxedo EditionNight School Tuxedo Edition
Kick StartKick Start
From $19.95
Sparrows Night SchoolSparrows Night School
Lock Picks and Hooks with carrying caseThe Spirit Set Lockpicks and Hooks
Expansion Set Lock Picks and Tension BarExpansion Set Lock Picks
Tuxedo Set & SidewinderTuxedo Set & Sidewinder
Lock Pick and Wrench SetThe Grad 2.0 Lock Pick Set
Escort Folder with Clear lockEscort Folder with Clear lock

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